Saturday, July 8, 2017

This Small Tender Coconut Fruit can heal Kidney, Liver Psoriasis, Heart Attack and More

A lot of people especially here in the Philippines are suffering serious illness like Kidney, Liver Psoriasis, Heart Attack, Myoma, Diabetes and many more. So they spend a lot and lot of money in the hospitals for them to be healed but the results are not positive. They paid on healing them yet they died.

So I am sharing this health tips to all the followers and readers of this blog to help them or their friends, family heal their illnesses. I found out also that no one knows this health tips upon talking and sharing this to other people I encounter. Below is the picture of the tender coconut fruit that I am talking about. It is just big as a heart or by our fist.

This small coconut fruits if you don't know is a herbal medicine that can heal illness like Kidney, Liver Psoriasis, Heart Attack, Myoma, Diabetes and many more. This was shared to me by Brod Jet during our mission in some places. So what to do with this fruits? Here are the steps to be follow.

Steps How to Use this Tender Coconut Fruit

1. Get I piece of coconut tender and divide it into two or chop it into 2 pieces. Boiled this with 2-3 glasses of water and wait until the water is color maron or brown. P.S. Do not boiled again this coconut fruit once you used it, get a new one if you are going to boil again.

2. After you boiled the coconut fruit, get 1 glass of water. The taste of this is a little bit acrid (mapakla) but never mind it if you want to heal.

3. Drink the half glass of the boiled coconut tender every morning and the other half before you sleep at night. Just heat it in microwave before drinking it. Do this within 2 months to cleansing your body and watched how your body heal. Drink this every 2 days

P.S. Before drinking it, I suggest to pray to our Almighty God Our Father and asked forgiveness from our sin one by one and avoid committing mistake again. It will worked only if you asked forgiveness from our Almighty God Our Father.
