Tuesday, July 11, 2017

18 Old Signs that Can Tell You if Your Baby is a Boy or a Girl

Before ultrasound machines were invented expectant mothers had various beliefs that could predict their baby’s gender. These old wive’s tales might not be as reliable as the modern medical equipment we have at our disposal today but it’s still interesting to look at the anecdotal evidence. If you’re pregnant you might want to check some of these and see just how accurate they can be.

1. Skin Changes

In the past it was believed that oily skin means you’re carrying a girl while drier skin means your baby’s going to be a boy.

2. Acne

The presence of acne, most possibly due to the oily skin explained in the previous example, was believed to mean you’re going to have a girl.

3. “The Glow”

It was once believed that if a pregnant mother has a radiating glow, she’s going to have a baby boy.

4. Linea Nigra

Linea nigra is a dark line that develops vertically on some pregnant mother’s bellies. It was believed that if it stopped below the belly button it would mean you’re carrying a girl and if the line continues above the navel you’re carrying a boy.

5. The Baking Soda Test

By simply mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with your urine it will either fizzle or nothing will happen. If it fizzle’s you’re going to have a baby boy, if nothing happens; a baby girl.

6. Hair Texture

If an expectant mother’s hair becomes limp and dull it’s said that she’s carrying a girl while thick glossy hair meant a boy.

7. Body Hair

If a mother’s body hair starts growing fast and thick, it was once believed that she’s going to give birth to a boy.

8. Weight Gain Location

It was once believed that if most of the weight gained during pregnancy accumulated in the belly that a mother could expect a baby boy, while evenly distributed weight would bring about a baby girl.

9. Foot Temperature

In the past expectant mothers experiencing chills in their feet could expect a baby boy.

10. Foot Growth

Temporary foot growth is common in pregnant women, but back in the old days it was believed that if your feet grew while carrying you could expect to have a baby boy.

11. Cravings

Pregnant women have been know to have cravings for strange foods, but having more of a craving for sweet foods was said to signify a baby girl while salty foods would mean to expect a baby boy.

12. Carrying High or Low

This one’s a classic. If you’re belly hangs low it was once believed to mean you’re going to have a baby boy, while a high belly would mean there’s a girl in your baby bump.

13. Father’s Weight Gain

It was once believed that if a father gains a significant amount of weight while the mother is pregnant that their child will be a girl.

14. Headaches

It was once believed that getting headaches while pregnant would signify a baby boy in the future.

15. Sleeping Position

In the past expectant women believed that falling asleep on your left side meant you were going to have a boy while falling asleep on your right would mean a baby girl is on the way.

16. Nipple Color

Some women used to believe that if a pregnant woman’s areolas didn’t change color she could expect a baby girl while darkening areolas would mean a baby boy.

17. Breast Size

A pregnant woman’ s breasts naturally grow during pregnancy as they fill with life giving milk, but both do not grow at the same rate. It was once believed that if your left breast grows quicker than the right you could expect to have a baby girl.

18. Clumsiness

Clumsiness is to be expected from a pregnant mother as her body rapidly changes. In the past if a mother seemed to be clumsier than usual it was said that she should expect to have a baby girl.

Via: littlethings.com
